What is NTP (Network Time Protocol), How to Configure it?
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a system used to synchronize computer clocks time over a computer network.
Why is NTP important?
Without NTP, a number of time critical systems will experience uncoordinated time. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the out-of-sync results that affect such systems can be disastrous.
Millions of people rely on perfectly coordinated time travel with air and air traffic control systems. Flight paths require very precise timing to prevent aircraft collisions. NTP now appreciates the vital importance when it comes to air travel, but why is it so important to your computer network?
1. File system updates - Executing critical file system updates between multiple computers at the same time, computers rely on synchronized clock times. Being in this place requires a network time protocol. File system updates are usually run while a computer is running in the background. If the computers on your network are not in sync time, vital system updates will not take place at the same time, leaving files exposed to some computers and hackers.
2. Timestamps - send lots of emails? Dispatch ends when an email is sent or received? Sent and received emails are also timestamped to show when they were sent and received. The actual time when an e-mail was sent or received without NTP support may indicate a completely different time. Tracking emails can be difficult if the stigma is incorrect.
3. Security - Where there are computer networks, there are hackers. However, the right time can be the deciding factor that brings a criminal to justice, security breaches and the system will leave no room for suspicion, allowing you to watch it proving when it was hacked.
4. Network Usage - is the network unexplained, unauthorized network usage experienced? You can track exactly when this is happening, allowing you to pinpoint the correct time source and avoid this event.
5. Improve work efficiency - Perhaps the most important factor for implementing network time protocol. If all hours are synchronized, all staff work for the same time. Your company hits more consistent dates, improving business efficiency and giving you a reputation for good timekeeping with customers.
What is the safest way to implement NTP?
Get a dedicated NTP time server! This is because a network time server like the Internet, the Galleon NTS-6001 NTP time server that you get time, security risks associated with getting web clocks protect your numerous computer networks.
Installing a network time server within the firewall minimizes the risk of external threats, simply put it simply while your computer maximizes the right time on the network.
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