Thursday, April 23, 2020

What is Wordpress and What Does It Do?

What is Wordpress?

WordPress is a content management system. It is a system where the user can produce and publish content. Although its first priority is a blog, it started to serve on many subjects later. And so the purpose of use has expanded from e-commerce sites to portfolio sites. You can theoretically create any site concept in WordPress. Simple to use and set up, WP can also support hundreds of free themes. Instead of struggling for site design for days, you can use ready-made themes of WordPress. However, if you want your site to have a unique design, you can do it too.

The language of WordPress is mainly English. However, as in other countries, there is used in the local language. The most important feature of WordPress is that it has a structure that is loved by Google.

How to Install WordPress?
For a paid WP, ​​you need a hosting and domain name. There is not much you need to do for the free version. To do this, simply complete the steps on WordPress' own site. The disadvantage of the free version is; you don't have a unique domain name and you can't use some plugins in the free version. Installing plugins like Yoast SEO is not possible with the free version to be able to implement SEO strategies suitable for WordPress.

Automatic Setup
  Download the latest version of WordPress to your computer from or any site with the WordPress Turkish package.
  Unzip the file with utilities such as Winrar or Zip.
  Upload file content to the server. In the address bar of your browser, type the address of your site where you want to install WordPress.
  The installation will take place automatically. Complete the installation by following the instructions on the screen.
Manual Installation (Manual Installation)
  Download the latest version of WordPress to your computer from or any site where the WP's Turkish package is available.
  Unzip the file with utilities such as Winrar or Zip.
  Open the wp-config-sample.php file in the file with a simple writing program like notepad or similar.
  define ('DB_NAME', 'database name'); type the name of the database here.
  define ('DB_USER', 'username'); Type the username you use to enter the database here.
  Define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'Password'); Type the user password you use to enter the database here.
  After changing the wp-config-sample.php file name to wp-config.php, upload the files to the server.
  Finish by typing in the address line of your browser and following the instructions.

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