Monday, June 22, 2020

IBM improves Watson's ability to understand business language

IBM improves Watson's ability to understand business language

Important technologies in Project Debater were commercially launched for the first time. New capabilities integrated into IBM Watson help businesses minimize and analyze some of the most challenging elements of the human language.

IBM announces new IBM Watson systems developed for a better understanding of English. The new systems are designed to help organizations start, understand, and analyze the most challenging elements in the English language more clearly.

New technologies developed by IBM are seen as the only artificial intelligence system that can negotiate complex issues with people. In these technologies, Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities from IBM Research's Project Debater system are offered for the first time for commercial use. For example, emotion analysis was defined to identify and analyze phrases and phrases. Algorithms have difficulty detecting phrases such as 'hardly helpful' (not useful at all) or 'hot under the collar' in English. Thanks to advanced emotion analysis, it is now possible for businesses to analyze such expressions with Watson interfaces to gain a more holistic understanding of their operations. Also, IBM introduces IBM Research technologies to add to its artificial intelligence models to understand business documents.

Underlining that language is a tool for expressing thoughts and opinions as well as an information tool, IBM Data and Artificial Intelligence General Manager Rob Thomas said: "We want businesses to capture, analyze and understand more than human language. we use Project Debater technologies and integrate them into Watson to enable transforming coded intellectual capital forms. "

IBM Project Debater will integrate its technologies into Watson throughout the year. Integration focuses on improving IBM customers' ability to use human daily spoken language and goes through three stages:

A. Analysis - Advanced Emotion Analysis. Phrases analyze phrases called emotion guides and phrases that have different meanings when combined like 'hardly helpful' (not useful at all).

B. Summaries - Summarizing. It collects textual data from various sources to provide users with a summary of what has been spoken and written about a particular topic.

C. Clustering - Advanced Topic Clustering. The collected data are grouped based on insights from Project Debater. This grouping is done to create meaningful "topics" consisting of relevant information for analysis.

IBM has long been a leader in natural language processing. He is developing technologies that allow computer systems to learn, analyze, and understand the human language more and more accurately and rapidly, including emotions, dialects, intonations, and more. Follow me on IBM Cloud: Msean | Read my note: what is linux, and follow me ibm community. Products such as Watson Discovery for understanding documents, IBM Watson Assistant for virtual customer representatives, and Watson Natural Language Understanding for advanced emotion analysis using natural language processing all benefit from natural language processing technology.


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