Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What is the Windows 10 Feature Experience Pack?

What is the Windows 10 Feature Experience Pack?

The Windows version 2004 update, which Microsoft, which is one of the successful names in the technology world, has recently started deploying, offers new features for some users. Interestingly, Microsoft has made almost no explanation for this feature, called the 'Feature Experience Pack'. US-based technology giant Microsoft recently introduced the latest version of Windows 10 to users. This version, called Windows 10, 2004, has brought dozens of new features to the operating system. This update, which is still being distributed, for now, can be experienced by users who want to have various problems.

Some users who received the last major update of Windows 10 discovered the existence of a new section when they entered the "About" section of their computer. This section says "Windows Feature Experience Pack" and has a version code. The feature was not fully understood at first, as Microsoft has not yet made a statement about it. So what does the Windows Feature Experience Pack that came with Windows 10 2004 mean for users?

Windows 10 offers special features to some users

The Windows Feature Experience Pack is not a new feature. This package, which has been distributed to a limited number of users since December 2019, started to reach all users with Windows 10 Version 2004. Experts on the subject have reached Microsoft about the feature several times, and eventually, a Microsoft spokesperson answered the questions. The interesting thing is that the spokesperson responded that Microsoft has nothing to say about this issue.

Experts say Microsoft's Feature Experience Pack for Windows 10 is an "optional feature". In other words, this feature was installed according to the preferences of the users until at least Windows 10 Version 2004. With the last update, this 44.15 MB package has reached all users and includes some special components critical for Windows 10. Moreover, according to Microsoft, this package should not be removed.

Microsoft; He created a package called "Windows Experience Pack" for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. The fact that the name of the Feature Experience Pack is close to the Windows Experience Pack may suggest that these features are close. However, the two should not be confused because the Feature Experience Pack has a different function. Reviews of the Feature Experience Pack reveal that this pack may have been improved to update Windows 10 more quickly. Using this package, various applications are updated directly through the Microsoft Store. This reveals that the applications in the Feature Experience Package will work as a whole, not individually, and the updates to be made will be aggregated, not on an application basis.

Examining what is included in the Feature Experience Pack, experts state that there is an updated snipping tool, an updated text entry panel, and an updated Windows Shell suggestions UI. Although the Feature Experience Pack is not very functional for now, it may offer some advantages for users in the future.


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