Saturday, August 15, 2020

Ubuntu Philosophy

 Ubuntu Philosophy

An Anthropologist working in Africa suggests playing games to the children of a tribe and says that the first person to get the fruits they put under the tree will be their reward to eat them.

He says to them, "Come on, start now, the winner will get the prize."

At that moment, all the children hold hands, run together to get under the tree and start eating the fruits together.

When the anthropologist asks why they are doing this, they give the following answer; This is "Ubuntu". How can one of us eat that award while others are unhappy?

Desmont Tutu describes Ubuntu as follows:

A person who believes in Ubuntu is open to others, positive to others, does not feel threatened when others are good and talented, has the self-confidence that comes from knowing that he is part of a larger whole, and feels humiliated when others are humiliated, humiliated, persecuted, or oppressed. "




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