Sunday, January 26, 2020

Critical warning to Macbook users

Critical warning to Macbook users

Cyber ​​security experts found that the most common cyber threat faced by macOS operating system users was "Shlayer" software

According to experts, the Shlayer software, which appears on one of every ten devices using Kaspersky solutions for the Mac operating system, spreads with a smart distribution system and can be infected from a partner network, entertainment sites. Although macOS is generally considered a safer system, cybercriminals are trying their luck to take advantage of those who use it. According to Kaspersky statistics, Shlayer, which is the most common macOS threat of 2019, focuses especially on the topic of adware. These software disturbs users by showing illegal ads, collecting browser queries and showing search results that lead to even more ads.

Among all the attacks on macOS devices where Kaspersky products were installed in the January-November 2019 period, the rate of Shlayer was 29.29 percent. Almost all of the macOS threats in the top 10 were adware such as AdWare.OSX.Bnodlero, AdWare.OSX.Geonei, AdWare.OSX.Pirrit and AdWare.OSX.Cimpli. The infection process is usually completed at the stage of work. First, users install Shlayer, then malware downloads various adware. In order for the software to infect the device, the user must download the malicious program without realizing it.

Shlayer is offered as a way to monetize websites with a number of file partnership programs. American users are offered a high price per download. In this way, more than a thousand "partner sites" allow the spread of Shlayer.

While harmful links are added to video descriptions on large platforms followed by millions of people like YouTube, such links are hidden among article references on Wikipedia. These links also lead to the fake Adobe Flash update page. Users who click on these links are also directed to Shlayer download pages. Kaspersky users have also detected numerous links that point to more than 700 sites embedded in many legitimate websites, containing malicious code.

Almost all of these sites lead to a fake Flash Player page with English content. This coincides with the countries most affected by software being the USA (31 percent), Germany (14 percent), France (10 percent) and the UK (10 percent), respectively.


Kaspersky Security Analyst Anton Ivanov, whose comments were included in the statement, said the macOS platform is a good source of income for cybercriminals, and said:

"There are always new ways to fool users and social engineering methods are used to spread malware. This case shows that threats can even take place on legitimate sites. For the chance of macOS users, the most common threat targeting this platform is to steal financial data rather than much more dangerous purposes. It focuses only on illegal ads. A good internet security solution can protect users from such threats and make the experience of searching the internet safer and more enjoyable. "

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