Friday, May 8, 2020

What Does VirtualBox Do?

VirtualBox is a virtualization software. VirtualBox; It allows the operating system to be used on another operating system virtually by imitating software such as video card and processor.

What Does VirtualBox Do?

VirtualBox can actually be downloaded for many reasons, depending on the user's needs and intended use. But the most important advantages of virtual machines are that they provide great security. Because the software that uses the resources provided by the virtual machine cannot go out of the virtual environment it is in. Operations on the virtual operating system (guest) do not cause a change in the host, as if they were done on a different computer. In this way, when a virus or dangerous software is infected into the virtual machine, the host is not affected by this situation. Of course, at this point, we should remind you that you should pay attention to the sharing files between the two systems.

How to Use VirtualBox?
1) After downloading the VirtualBox program from its official site, download the VirtualBox version suitable for the operating system you are using.

2) After completing the installation process, create the first virtual machine by clicking the 'new' option.

3) After creating the virtual machine, you can start using it. If you install Vbox guest add-ons, you will be able to perform operations faster and transfer files between folders.

Exchange Files Between VirtualBox and Host System
You can place a folder on the system on the virtual machine using shared folders. So if a program you need in the virtual machine is already installed on the main system, you can transfer it to the virtual machine without having to download it again.


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