Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Virtual Machine and VirtualBox Setup

Virtual Machine and VirtualBox Setup

What is a Virtual Machine?

A virtual machine is a computer file that acts like computers that you use and can perform operations. It is an indispensable part of cybersecurity and software studies.

You can try the operating systems you want to use or wonder here. For example, you can be a Windows user and experience the macOS operating system.

Because it offers a secure system and is isolated from your physical computer, you can check the virus of any application or file here, as well as access infected files.

You can make operating system backups here. In particular, the work of server-based systems is first tried on the virtual machine, possible problems are identified and precautions are taken accordingly.

For most companies working on software and cybersecurity, the contribution of the virtual machine cannot be underestimated. It is also of great importance for personal use.

VirtualBox Setup

VirtualBox is free, open-source virtualization software. Through this downloadable software, we can complete our virtual machine setup and carry out our work.

Now, let's examine how to install VirtualBox in order.

First, you can type “virtualbox” in your search engine, you can access the first site (virtualbox.org) by clicking on it, or by clicking here, you can access the website.

After clicking 'Downloads', you can download your version according to the operating system you are using now. For example, a Windows10 user should download the Windows hosts option.

An exe file of approximately 100 MB will start downloading to your computer.

Secondly, in order for our VirtualBox virtualization program to work correctly and smoothly, we also need to download its plugins (VirtualBox Extension Pack) via the website. To do this, simply click on the field labeled 'All supported platforms'.

After the download process is completed, we reach the relevant exe file and run it by clicking twice.

We click on the next options respectively, after any permission request, after saying "yes", we continue until the ending is completed and we complete our setup.

Then we need to integrate our downloaded extension pack with VirtualBox.

To do this, after opening VirtualBox; We click on 'preferences' in the file.

In the newly opened window, we click on the category of extensions. We click the + (plus) icon on the right and select the plugin package we downloaded.

After determining the 'install' and 'i agree' boxes respectively, we have now integrated our plugins and completed the installation of our virtual machine.


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